New York City is the largest, wealthiest city in the United States of America, the richest, most powerful country in…
Today, potholes are monitored and repaired slowly, by human eyes and hands. The Univerity of Leeds just won $6.5…
Building this gas station should have cost $500,000. Instead, the U.S. military spent $42,718,739 and can’t explain…
In many countries around the world, motorcycles are much more than a toy. They’re regularly utilized as general…
Any time I get to ride a 1960s-era Budd R32 subway car here in New York I am reminded that I get to use one of the…
Jebel Jais was supposed to lead to the boom of the new, growing, oil-rich and tourist-friendly United Arab Emirates.…
Ahh, it’s Friday at last. The end of a long week. The end of a long two weeks for most of your humble, hardworking Ja…
This won’t exactly be startling news to New Yorkers, but it is, like, really hot right now. As in it’s 106 degrees…
We’ve been saying it for years, and now we’ve got someone smart to back us up: it’s time to raise the speed limit. In…
For years I thought that low-ass railroad trestle in Durham, North Carolina — the one meticulously covered by 11foot8…
Potholes are the garbage of roads. But they’re also the bane of the existence of drivers in Panama City, a gleaming…
Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx just said we should be “embarrassed as a country” over the state of our infrastructure. Dude knows what he’s talking about. Read more
Ever stare at the barest pieces of concrete and metal preventing you from veering off a bridge and plummeting…
Stealing cars? Yawn. That’s okay, I guess, if you don’t know how to dream big. Trucks? Boring. Locomotives? Big…
I think I have found the solution to America’s crumbling road and highway system: His name is Wanksy. He lives in…
This is Baldwin Street in Dunedin, New Zealand. It is the steepest residential street in the world. Here are a…
Cities from Los Angeles to Seoul are pouring billions of dollars into smartifying infrastructure, networking…
These transportation concepts are not governed by the laws of sanity.
What you’re looking at is a proposed highway that would link London to New York, going the long way round. It’s been…