In Minnesota, some poor aloof drivers might have to pick up a new set of shock absorbers—and also maybe a new pair…
It sounds very straightforward when he describes it. There was no good road leading from his town to the nearby…
Yes, that is a half-nude woman with wings and a gigantic baby head performing at the opening ceremony today for…
Today marks a big day for Switzerland, and for Europe as a whole: the 35-mile Gotthard Base Tunnel, the largest rail…
One of the biggest disappointments in the automotive industry is in charging electric cars. A new report states that…
It’s not cheap, and it wasn’t easy to make, but scientist Dr. José Carlos Rubio has reportedly figured out how to…
There are few clearer examples of a country basing its entire economy off of oil than Venezuela, which is a bad sign…
Visiting a country that drives on the opposite side of the road from your own tends to bring a bit of an inherent…
The emergence of new automotive technologies and practices like ride-sharing, on-demand services, and the…
MIT’s researches have been fiddling with virtual models programmed to eliminate traffic lights at intersections with…
In October of 2012, State Highway 130, the “Pickle Parkway”, opened up in Central Texas with a lot of excitement.…
This is the circle-shaped Laguna Garzón bridge in Uruguay, and it is dumb. It was built for dumb reasons, too. They…
Road crews remove enormous boulders with explosives, naturally.
President Obama gave his final State of the Union address tonight, pointing out the auto industry having its best…
The craziest part isn’t that 23-year-old Mary Lambright drove her 30-ton truck onto this tiny bridge in Paoli,…
A train on Boston’s Red Line apparently left a station without an operator, the MBTA announced in a statement this…
A five-year plan. Ten years in the making. $305 billion to be spent on infrastructure. Money for roads and rail…
On this day in 1990, the I-90 Floating Bridge in Seattle collapsed. It sank so slowly that local news teams were…
Did you know the United States Postal Service still uses mules?