The U.S. Department Of Transportation and automakers have been testing the concept of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V)…
Looks like that 100-foot sinkhole that sucked down an entire intersection of city street in Fukuoka, Japan last week…
A gigantic sinkhole ate an entire intersection in Fukuoka, Japan yesterday morning, and one particularly worried…
Hyperloop One, the company developing the super-tube transport idea envisioned by Elon Musk announced today that it…
Look. We Americans really, really, really like our garage space.
In Mono County, California you’ll find beautiful, mountainous wildland. And sometimes those mountains drop really…
Every year, the Japanese transportation ministry hands out the Japan Toilet Award to encourage highway service plaza…
Not even the highest posted speed limit in the United States could woo drivers to take the long, long, long way…
What part of evacuate don’t you understand, people?
The city of Jilin in northeast China was pretty clear about announcing that it was starting construction on a new…
Having to sit at a red light is a miserable experience. There you are, trapped with your thoughts, staring at an…
A crazed woman trying to sell bugs on the D train last night got heckled, freaked out, and then threw bugs on…
This is a mystery that has puzzled the greatest motoring minds of our generation.
A few days ago in 1956, construction began on what became the starting point of modern America: the Interstate…
Remember that scene from the Italian Job remake where the Napster (Seth Green) hacks into LA’s traffic control…
The Minnesota Department of Transportation, apparently having solved the problem of bridges that suddenly collapse…
New Yorkers were unsure if the strange land of myth and wonder supposedly known as “Williamsburg” would be cast away…