So yes, Robin Masters is still feeling the hurt, as gas prices in Honolulu are still averaging $3.17 a gallon, but…
In case you missed our little rant last night, here's the recap:
8% is the magic number in the North American oil industry these days. First, BP institutes a pipeline closure that…
We're in a play of slow decay orchestrated by Boltzmann/It's entropy/It's not a human issue/ Entropy/It's matter of…
Although "BP" changed their name to "Beyond Petroleum" in its marketing, it never officially changed the name of…
While making a drive from Illinois to Michigan yesterday, one of us was playing the fun little game of "how high…
State 29 found a compelling piece in a regional Nebraska paper regarding the expense of E85. The State of Nebraska's…
Twelve cents a gallon! That's the price of gas in Caracas, Venezuela. Not surprisingly, the only other two cities…
Why rent a Cobalt when you can upgrade to an Equinox, or a Taurus when you can get a Jeep Grand Cherokee — for a…
According to this bit in Newsweek, skyrocketing gas prices haven't stopped the purchase of V8-powered vehicles, and…
We've been missing the East Bay a lot lately. Despite the fact that we got fed up with the rents and all of the…
The one positive we gas guzzlers can think of about gas prices is the fertile ground it provides for politickin' —…
Amidst all the hoopla going on about the high price of oil, today's message seems to be "it's the market,…
• Oil prices are too high, the environment's gettin' worse — and that's just why this man wants to make it easier…
Gas prices are up, and the oil companies are making bigger profits than ever. And when somebody's making money it's…
Has anyone gone out and tried to fill up today? If you're in the Midwest, you're paying anywhere between $2.80 and…
Jason Vines, the uncommonly blunt veep of communications over at Chrysler Group, took a swipe at oil companies on…
• And the winner of the 2006 South African Car of the Year is...drum roll please....the Audi A3 Sportback 2.0T FSI…
With oil companies posting record profits, their execs fattened up fowl who've got a pricey foie gras container in…