We know you're a little down about the cost of gas these days, we are too. Indications are that todays $110 a barrel…
Racing USA's the self-proclaimed "most frequently shopped, independently owned Nascar store in the world." That's…
It's a tough job being the president. The amount of information relevant to running a country of our size is…
In case you haven't been paying attention to the day to day Wall Street news tickers, oil briefly traded over the…
So there's these two stations over on Fort Street near Springwells in Detroit. One's a BP and the other's a…
Despite gas prices that are sometimes a $1 more a gallon, more people are going to be driving to get their fill of…
Although AAA of California is reporting some drivers are now paying $4 a gallon for regular unleaded gasoline,…
Is it in some way ironically terrible the next OPEC production meeting's occurring on September 11th? [Bloomberg]
Michigan's got the nation's highest gas prices. #$%@^! [Detroit News]
With the mercury rising into the 90's, today's the first ozone action day of the year in Southeast Michigan.…
Allstate's rewarding the city of Warren, MI for its improvement in their national ranking of safe drivers with…
Everyone knows the only reason to go to Jersey is for the access to cheap gas and the access to on- and off-ramps.…
I just took this shot at the gas station located at the corner of Ashby and Claremont in Berkeley... or maybe it's…
It's now officially here — it's over $4.00 per gallon for premium gas in the Midwest. Here's the report from our…
Rising gas prices are unsurprisingly prompting consumers to look towards more efficient motoring choices, according…
With the same gusto they mustered when legislating timelines for troop withdrawals, the House of Representatives…
Per vehicle, Americans are spending $146 more on fuel this year than last. And it is not even June yet. If prices…
Those who connect the cars, or offer a connection to cars, and/or play Connect Four in moving vehicles point out…
Hurray! Another day, another record high price. Oh wait, this is one of those bad records, isn't it? Well, it is…