Jameslist, the Craigslist for the hoity-toity set, now has seven 2008 Lamborghini Reventóns for sale out of only 20…
NYT Dealbook follows Jalopnik, makes case for GM bankruptcy. [NYT]
A couple weeks ago we heard Crane Cams would be shuttering after 56 years of operation. Crane Cams now claims it…
2008 was a record year for Audi, but unlike the not-so-Big Three, they were positive records. Audi produced more…
The market-watchers at Thomson Reuters seem to think a heading-toward-bankruptcy "Dollar Menu-priced" GM may be…
Nikkei hits 26-year low on GM concerns. [MSNBC]
Remember last summer when used hybrids and econo-cars were scalping the used market? Selling for twice blue book and…
Ross Brawn's new F1 team may be lacking sponsorship decals, but that's not stopping them from heading out to the…
GM stock dropped 25% today, hitting $1.27 per share during intra-day trading. It's a level not seen since April,…
Media reports claim the German government angrily denied Opel's $4.16 billion bailout proposal over receiving a…
Anyone notice Visteon's stock price is at two cents? [Freep]
If you watch this segment closely you can see our own Ray Wert blinking out "my name is Ray, not Roy" to CNBC's…
Opel is dying and the heads of BMW and Daimler would like the German state to keep its hands out of the process.
Today's Official Car Pundit Drinking Game is brought to you by the letters "G" and "M" and the number -$30 billion.…
GM auditors claim the automaker's ability to continue functioning as a business entity is now a "Going Concern".…
Japanese automaker Toyota claims it's seeking a $2 billion state bailout to help its car financing unit. Maybe if…
Dozens of luxury cars in Berlin have been torched since January by a group of disgruntled Germans. Mercedes, BMWs…
We understand your frustration Mr. Bernero, but jeez-o-pete, lay off the campaign tactics and Red Bull for a minute…
Jill Lajdziak, Saturn's General Manager, dropped an e-mail to current owners yesterday discussing this "exciting…