What's better than two Pontiac Grand-Ams? I know, I know, you're having a hard time thinking of something. Well how…
See that column of black smoke up in the sky? That means all those Cardinals still haven't picked a new Pope. That…
If we hear anything from Russia about cars these days, it's typically followed by the words "dash cam." While this…
Wade Beauchamp just finished writing his book, Scream If You Wanna Go Faster, and like anyone who's just finished…
What if I told you there was an eight-cylinder, dual-clutch, four-wheel-drive, four-wheel-steer Ford on Craigslist…
Normally, seeing a video'd junkyard crammed full of hulks of vintage Citroëns and Fiat 600s makes me want to hop on…
First of all, I need to make sure my two-year old son Otto never sees this amazing electric car an engineer dad…
Like many gearheads, going indoors can sometimes be painful. "But my car's outside!" we'll whine, hopping up and…
When my valet came by with the big stack of printouts of my emails (that's the only way I read them — he also types…
A while back, I made a silly chart of all of the alphabetically-extrapolated upcoming Tesla models, and I got a…
"This car is going to last me 20 years."
If you had an African Grey Parrot that shrieked and screamed so often it was driving you to the brink of madness,…
The massive land yachts of the that rolled off of Detroit assembly lines until about 1980 are mostly gone. Mostly,…
You'd think if you were sitting on a Geo Metro made into a 12-foot limo, you'd have your LeMons racing plan pretty…
This week's Car Hacks is interesting because it's one of the very few that doesn't involve an actual car or part of…
It's winter for most in the United States, and if you're driving you get the fun chore of defrosting your windshield…
Someone Already Built an iPad Mini Into a Car [updates.gizmodo.com]
Even if you're not directly in the path of Superhyperthunderricane Sandy, there's still a vast number of people who…
Taillights are a great part of a car to customize and play with. They're highly visible, distinctive, and everyone…
Recently, several readers pointed us to some forum posts that chronicled a high school kid converting a Honda S2000…