This past Friday, April 20th wasn't just a day to sit around, pluck an out-of-tune guitar and get stoned. It also…
Al Jazeera just published an astonishing report on the after-effects of the BP oil disaster, and it's not pretty.…
BP to cut U.S. tax bill by $10 billion thanks to gulf oil spill cleanup. [WashingtonPost]
The National Hurricane Center thinks a tropical depression near the Bahamas will soon become a tropical storm and…
This week it came to light that BP had photoshopped—poorly—an official image of their crisis command center.…
For the last four days, one of the photographs in this graphic has been on BP's official website with the caption…
Finally, after three months of oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico from the busted Deepwater Horizon well head, the…
The knee-jerk reactionaries boycotting BP by not buying gas at the company's franchises have made such an impact…
A 49-year-old oil cleanup worker went overboard from a oil skimmer at around 3:00 AM Tuesday morning near the site…
The coolest thing about the humongous Taiwanese oil-skimmer named "A Whale" that's being tested right now in the…
You'd think Boycotting BP would send a message to the company incapable of stopping the oilpocalypse in the Gulf of…
Watch it. Laugh at it. Marvel at how quickly things get out of hand. Oh, company formerly known as British Petroleum…
A BP gas station in Ohio wants you to know you're responsible for small spills made when you leave the pump…
Someone tried their own brand of junk shot on the sign at the SoHo BP service station at the corner of Houston and…
BP's "top kill" plan for fixing the Gulf of Mexico oil spill involves enormous ships, a mile of undersea piping, and…
If only the real British Petroleum were as candid as this genius parody of the BP public-relations team. [@BPGlobalPR
This is what 20,000 barrels a day leaking into the Gulf of Mexico looks like. Video below.
8% is the magic number in the North American oil industry these days. First, BP institutes a pipeline closure that…
We're in a play of slow decay orchestrated by Boltzmann/It's entropy/It's not a human issue/ Entropy/It's matter of…
Although "BP" changed their name to "Beyond Petroleum" in its marketing, it never officially changed the name of…