A car dealership in Minnesota wanted to highlight a few of their new models at a local ice rink. Too bad their polar…
Last night, while watching The Grand Tour, my wife noticed something odd. There was Jeremy Clarkson, draped in an…
You may have a favorite old car ad. It may bring you joy and excitement. Now you will watch this. Soon you will have…
“Because apparently nothing’s sacred these days.”
The idea is simple: instead of using a rare or priceless car on a film shoot, you use a blank model of a car and…
Car companies have to try just as hard to sell a Cavalier as a Porsche Carrera. Harder, probably. What’s the most…
BMW has launched a new ad campaign for its 3-Series plug-in hybrid, the 330e, and it’s directly targeting buyers who…
Mercedes has pulled the plug on at least one advertisement for the new E-Class after multiple groups reached out to…
Despite a recent ad campaign touting the new 2017 Mercedes E-Class and its “Drive Pilot” driver assistance system as…
Why did Nissan make an advertisement for a VW Passat? This will only take a second to explain.
A Mercedes print ad that is featured in multiple magazines advertising a “self-driving car from a very self-driven…
We’re all familiar with this car. It’s quite a fucking fast one. You should buy it, garage it, and only take it out…
And the world is like an Audi whirling silently in space. Read more
This is “The Blackbird,” a battery-powered automotive rig with a fully-adjustable wheelbase, track width, and…
If you don’t wear your seat belt you’ll never have your first kiss and you might end up killing all of your friends,…
Like many prestige brands, Italian superbike outfit Ducati trades heavily on “heritage.” Their website includes this…