Ten Best...Or Worst...April Fools' Day Automotive Gags

We resisted the temptation today to pull our own shenanigans, mostly because tearing the wraps off a fake photoshopped Ford Ranchero was too obvious. Similarly, calling a fold to the sham that is Chryslerberus would have just been plain mean. Luckily, we knew the online automotive world would pick up the slack. Sure enough we were right, and we quickly found ourselves inundated with all kinds of April Fools' hijinks. Without further ado, below are the ten most amusing automotive hoaxes of the day. Make sure to vote for your favorite.

Kia KEE wii Concept

Kia pulled our leg ever so gently with a "concept" which saw the replacement of the steering wheel with a Wii controller. The only problem we see with a video game controller is the parents would drive into walls. The kids however would possess F1-like canyon-carving abilities. [Carscoop]

BMW Dog Pee Proof Wheels

What April Fools' Day can pass without a good old fashioned urination joke? MetroUK revealed BMW working on something called Canine Repellent Alloy Protection, an acronym-based system of electrified wheels capable of delivering a 200 volt shock to Rex's wiener. Wow, who knew BMW was just a bunch of phallus-haters? [Metro.co.uk]

Camaro Monza

While the idea of a three door Camaro warms the cockles, and the extra care taken to embed fake watermarks is impressive, the GMInsideNews Camaro Monza remains nothing more than a pipe dream. We wait patiently for Ford to answer back with a docked Mustang. [GMInsideNews]

Jaguar XF-C

Carscoop jumped into the foolishness feet first with a photoshopped Jag XF Coupe they're calling the XF-C. We weren't buying it, especially when we noticed it doesn't have door handles. And not like in that hidden CTS Coupe concept way. There's seriously no way to open the doors. Still, due diligence led us to a frantic quick phone call to Jag PR, who assured us it was nothing more than a hoax. Still, if Tata wants design direction for their shiny new brand, this wouldn't be a bad place to look. [Carscoop]

Oldsmobile Makes Return Under Toyota Management

The merry pranksters at Car und Driver announced Toyota had acquired the rights to the defunct Oldsmobile brand and were ready to bring it back to life. The new vehicles on display at C&D's jolly joke of an article stayed true to the Olds heritage of strict platform prostitution, but it was obvious this was a hoax as it would be the worst strategic decision in automotive history. [Automobile, Car & Driver]

German Model Eva Padberg Shills for Kia Rio

While we're not certain it's meant to be an April Fools' joke — in fact we're pretty sure it isn't — the desktop-sized images of German model Eva Padberg splayed across the hood of the Kia Rio are funny to us. So funny we have a gallery. Maybe funny's not the word. Aroused? Yeah, maybe that's it. [Carscoop]

Ford Logo Redesign

Taking top honors in the "Least Time Invested" category, Brand New claims we missed what would have been the only news out of Ford at the New York Auto Show, a redesign of it's famed blue oval. The new badge would certainly improve packing efficiency when shipped to idle factories. [Brand New]

Toyota Confirms Scion Pickup Based on Tundra

That Mike Levine at PickupTruck.com is such a prankster. A Scion based on the Tundra is about as real as the faux high school hipsters in its targeted purchasing demographic. [PickupTruck.com]

Customize your Lambo with Hand Picked Cows

With the never ending march of more complete customization, Motive thought they'd pull a fast one and announce a new program from Lamborghini wherein owners would have the privilege of picking the specific cows with which to outfit their cars' interior. Amusing concept, but a story far too filled with descriptions of cow feces to be anything more than college boy humor. Did we mention it smells like someone farted over there? [Motive]

MotoGP Announces Season Canceled — Nazi Sex Orgies To Blame

Do not pass go, do not collect your ticket refunds. MotoGP decided to spend your hard-earned dollars on Nazi Sex Orgies instead of having a season. We give this one bonus points for actual topicality given today's biggest and most distasteful story in racing. [IndianaMotoGP]

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Also see:

Seven New Cars We Wish Were April Fools' Day Jokes

Top photo credit to the witty denizens of the Motor Trend Forums

Hat tip on two links via Automobile Magazine Forums

