The human-harvesting robots in the sci-fi film trilogy The Matrix appear closer to reality if DARPA gets its way.…
For you to get a clear view of how our world theoretically ends, click the HD button on the player. [HellForLeather, …
The latest trailer for the upcoming non-Transformers, techno-robogasm, Terminator: Salvation has hit the internet…
Terminator Salvation is scheduled for May 21st premier, but the viral marketing is already gearing up, with a "Skynet…
The tech-loving guys at Wired have a whole slew of spoiler-filled images from the new Terminator 4 movie, Terminator:…
Thank you Chrysler for taking taxpayer money and applying it where it is truly useful: Movies. Chrysler plans to…
Thanks to an early release of this Japanese version of the Terminator Salvation trailer, everything we saw at the…
Our sister site strung out on science fiction has unearthed this featurette from the ashes of a post-apocalypse Los…