Even though wheels aren’t essential to the actual aerial part of an airline flight, it’s generally not great when…
Well, this almost got extremely real.
Here’s a thing not to do: don’t try to surf along the side of a container ship on your jet ski.
Last weekend’s Rally Poland should have been enough excitement to bring you to your feet regardless, with total…
We all know That Guy. This is the ultimate expression of That Guy.
Small-time rallies and hillclimbs happen all the time, all around the world. Here are some of the most intense…
Is this Mustang invincible? I can’t say for sure, but this video evidence seems to imply that it is.
This is when you’re really glad you had to install that parachute.
He registered 120 bar of brake pressure here.
If you’re looking to not crash your car, I would suggest not driving super fast on a road with slow traffic and…
Welcome to the 2014 Savies, where we look at the current candidates for the Save of the Year. The closer the…
How close can you get to being run over by a bus without actually getting crushed? This close.
You have to be a special kind of moron to run in front of a WRC car.
Formula Ford is like other formula race series, with tight racing, open wheels, and open cockpits. Here's how to…
"About a foot," says one of the marshals.
The runway for the Helgoland airport off the coast of northern Germany runs right up to the beach. Here's what…
This is what a 360 spin right next to a wall on a trackday looks like. Good thing this video isn't in smell-o-vision.
Dear lord this is horrifying.