In a 33-page document blasting former President Barack Obama’s “damage” to the military, Arizona Senator John…
A German company is battling with a Japanese one to become the world's biggest automaker. Italians own Chrysler.…
John McCain, don't be silly. How would you drive a refrigerator? [The Hill]
Remind you of anyone? Brand new Harley CEO Keith Wandell insists "the underlying fundamentals of the Harley-Davidson…
The election is over, but Senator McCain is still wooing the eco-patriotic-tech-literate crowd by tweeting his…
Nikkei hits 26-year low on GM concerns. [MSNBC]
Although we'll know who the next president will be by tomorrow night (barring any shenanigans from swing states —…
A survey of more than 11,000 car owners and likely voters by Kelley Blue Book shows that Senator John McCain does…
We thought of a bunch of new penalties for the 24 Hours Of LeMons Texas, and the zero-tolerance attitude of the…
Barack Obama used part of last night's debate to tee off on aiding the domestic auto industry. Obama took nearly a…
Barack Obama Advertising Inside Online Racing Video Games, Attempts To Pick Up Crucial Xbox 360 Vote
Barack Obama has begun advertising on billboards within the virtual world of an online video game in what appears…
If you're watching tonight's Presidential debate — and why wouldn't you be as energy policy will affect the price…
Sen. John McCain took heat yesterday from UAW president Ron Gettelfinger for three of his thirteen vehicles being…
This just in: Barack Obama is a filthy polluter. Thanks to in-depth research into his controversial past, we can…
Car und Driver Editor-und-Chief Csaba Csere spent a few moments in front of the camera yesterday rebutting the hot…
Noted car washing and star SLR-egressing celebutard Paris Hilton aired a web video lampooning a negative campaign ad…
Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-Second Coming), in a letter to UAW officials last Friday, endorsed a…
Following a recent Sports Illustrated story stating the Obama campaign was in talks with BAM Racing about sponsoring…
Presidential candidate John McCain (R-Old) is expected to unveil a new proposal today offering $300 million in prize…
So we had the Today Show on in the background this morning while getting ready to run over to NPR when we heard some…