The transmission that's now perceived to ruin any car it's put into was once a groundbreaking feat of engineering
Guess What Car Parts Were Used On The Famous Han Solo-Frozen-In-Carbonite Prop From Star Wars Movies
This part is now being molded primarily for use in making Han Solos in carbonite and not for actual cars
When I was looking for something rare and interesting, I went after a Volvo 480 Turbo. There’s good reason for it.…
Volvo might be the most sweet, staid, unassuming car company in existence. Little did I know that they used to…
I’m not exactly sure what it is about the business of mail delivery, but a surprising number of the vehicles…
Let's just go down the list: Dutch, mid-engined, amphibious, double-ended, drivable from either end, four-wheel…
The history of carmaking in The Netherlands is can pretty much be summed up by one acronym: DAF. They built some…
We found this vintage ad for the excellent Daf 44, from the Dutch company that pioneered rubber band drive, now…
One of the great moments in Jalopnik history is the mighty Daf versus FAF battle of 2007. The Dutch and their…
Before the Lamborghini Countach, before the Lancia Stratos Zero, before the Pininfarina Modulo, there was this,…
The Ga people of coastal Ghana have been making elaborate fantasy coffins since the 1950s. For your very last car…
As far as eternal struggles go, DAF vs. FAF ranks right up there with good vs. evil and bong vs. blunt. DAF finally…
When you're stumbling down a Paris street at 2:00 AM with a head full of absinthe and you spot a '73 DAF with its…
Yeah, yeah — you knew this was coming. But I think Jalopnik would have a real shot at winning. First of all, with…
Congratulations to the winnah of yesterday's Project Car Hell poll: the Thousand Buck 928! The Porsche won by a…
The DAF Club of America held a Micro/Mini Madness event [Update: next to] the live free or die state over the…
Old memes never die, they just want you (like L7) to pretend that they're dead. After the jump, Johnson and…
We don't speak Hollandaise, but we do enjoy us some wacky Dutchness. Here, we get some classic footage of the DAF…
In the DAF vs. FAF war, the FAF, despite our readers' severe glaucoma and one J. Loverman's anti-French propaganda,…