It was just November the last time the cross-country Cannonball run record was broken by three guys in a…
What is America if not a country for people trying to speed from one ocean to the other in a car as fast as…
The first Apex film was about car companies like Porsche and Koenigsegg trying to build the fastest cars on earth…
There was a time in this country, starting in the mid-1970s and ending in the early 1980s, when the most daring car…
Here is something I want to do: Drive across the country, nonstop, until I reach the Pacific Ocean. What I’d like to…
Back in the 1970s, when a self-driving car meant a brick on the throttle, people raced each other from coast to…
The news of Brock Yates’ passing this week hit me hard. Many lost a family member, a friend, and even a partner in…
Transcontinental speed runs mean glory for some, but I think they’re terrible ideas. They’re dangerous and…
What is the point of life? Is it all ultimately meaningless? Yes. But there are ways to be happy. Like watching this…
The real Cannonball Run went extinct years ago. But what's this? A man, a moonshine making man who believes America…
"So, I've spoken with Ed and I've congratulated him on his run. He's offered to show me the data, so I'll likely be making a trip down to Atlanta soon to meet with him, share data, and share war stories." - Says commenter thirtyoneseventen who has attempted the same run four times. Read more
Brock Yates has a pretty damn impressive resume. He founded the Cannonball Run and made his money being one of the…
Is GM planning a run at the movie business, throwing its corporate weight behind a remake of the 1981 movie Cannonbal…
You'd expect a Captain of Chaos to drive something a bit ahem... chaotic, rather than this 1998 Lincoln Town Car…
Actor Dom DeLuise, star of Smokey and the Bandit II Cannonball Run I and II, three films every auto-lover needs in…
If you remember (and really, how can you forget?) last month's stories about Ken Imhoff and his amazing basement-buil…
Last week we brought you the story of Ken Imhoff, a Wisconsin man who, after falling in love with the Lamborghini…
Each week we'll let two silver screen automotive icons face off and let you decide which stays and which one goes…
The ever-lovin' Herr Roy knows a thing or two about transcontinental control of incontinence in the service of…
"Cannon Ball" Baker