Sometimes, the best thing for your brain is driving away from the world behind the wheel of a weird car
The new name is certainly better, but there's still one word that should be changed.
This is going to sound like a classic “bad thing is actually good” take, but hear me out: I think the big, ugly…
The first Apex film was about car companies like Porsche and Koenigsegg trying to build the fastest cars on earth…
There was a time in this country, starting in the mid-1970s and ending in the early 1980s, when the most daring car…
New York City is many things—a holy city of cuisine, an epicenter for art and culture, the home of the baffling cronu…
Above, you’ll see beloved Jalopnik editor emeritus Mike Spinelli flipping a monster truck, as one does. It can only…
If you wanted to find the most well-worn, gnarly vinyl-stickered-up car available, you’d have a hard time finding…
Maybe the weather has a lot to do with it, but California is one of the hottest beds of car culture in the world.…
Question: What are you doing this Sunday night? And on the next consecutive four Sunday nights after that? Answer:…
Oh man, is automotive TV shaping up to be quite excellent this season. On one hand, you have Jalopnik’s very own Car…
Recently, Parker Nirenstein from supercar YouTube series Vehicle Virgins went to a Michelin press event where there…
We say we like weird cars around here. But how weird are you really willing to live with? If you’re up for living in…
Faraday Future showed up to CES this year with a real car that seemingly actually exists, claiming some absolutely…
There are exactly two types of TV shows about cars: sensationalized “build” dramas set to slow-motion footage of…
I’m in possession of a secret document. A document from the German government. Yes. the real Polizei. A document so…
“Would you like to come along and set another Cannonball Record with us?”
Records, as they say, are meant to be broken. I once blitzed across the country in 31 hours and 4 minutes. Ed Bolian …
When will fully Autonomous Driving become a reality? That’s the trillion dollar question. It may come down to which…