Here's How They'll Restore The Sinkhole-Damaged 1 Millionth Corvette

This white C4 Chevrolet Corvette left the Bowling Green assembly line in 1992 and fell into the sinkhole at the Corvette Museum last year along with eight other rare Corvettes. Now the General Motors Design Center is working hard to return her to prime condition.

Fixing her up is a bigger challenge than the first restored sinkhole Corvette, the Blue Devil ZR1 was, because while the C6 only sustained some light damage, the one millionth car was hit pretty hard.

Yet rather than building an all-new vehicle from the ground up, the workers are trying to preserve the original appearance as much as possible.

The car went from this... this in no time in February, 2014:

Looks horrible, I know, but work is already well along its way at GM's concept and show car building division, and the white C4 will be perfect again before you know it.

Unfortunately, not all sinkhole Corvettes are this lucky. In fact, after the C6 and the C4, only the 1962 car will be restored by the The National Corvette Museum following the dive into the 30-foot deep hole. The remaining five special Corvettes – namely the 1993 ZR-1 Spyder, the 1984 PPG Pace Car, the 1993 40th Anniversary Corvette, the 2001 "Mallett Hammer" Z06 and the 2009 1.5 millionth Corvette – will remain in their as-recovered state and become part of a future sinkhole-themed display at the museum.

Remember: C4s deserve some love too.

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