For $67,500, Would You Buy This 1978 Ferrari 308 GTS... From A Junkyard?

Normally you'd expect to buy your Ferrari from some chichi showroom, but today's Nice Price or Crack Pipe 308 is offered by a Porsche parts palace. Maybe that means they'll part with it for a song!

Would you date Lindsay Lohan? How about Charlie "Winning" Sheen? Either of those folks is a walking—sometimes stumbling—train wreck, but man just think of the stories you could tell your friends should you survive the ride!

That's sort of how many of us imagined buying yesterday's 2008 Audi S4 cabriolet. Sure, it could potentially ask you for your entire bank account and all your credit cards, but boy would it be fun until that happened. At just under fourteen-grand, fully 65% of you felt the price of entry wasn't too bad either, giving the car a Nice Price win.

Maybe—just maybe—you could do all the wrenching on that Audi yourself. I mean, how hard could it be to disassemble and then reassemble the entire front of the car—including the engine—on the street in front of your apartment?

Now imagine doing that kind of work on a Ferrari. Makes you sound all kinds of fancier doesn't it? Today's 1978 Ferrari 308 GTS is a Ferrari that you could conceivably wrench on yourself, and in fact it's one of the few that doesn't require the engine to be pulled to do the major maintenance work recommended every five years or fifteen thousand miles, whichever comes first.

You may want to consider that maintenance seeing as this 308 is being sold by a junkyard... oh excuse me all to hell, "auto dismantler."

Nero su rosso and sporting 75K on the clock, the car doesn't look like it needs much in the pics—maybe a good detailing—but looks can be deceiving. The seller says it's mechanically sound, a positive but widely interpretable description, and that it's being sold as-is with no warranty.

The car looks to be all original, right down to the spare tire that looks rock hard and tread-thin. One thing that's not original is the oil filter which appears appreciably new. Everything else in the contortionists special engine bay seems to be a bit time worn but at least is still there.

This is a carbureted car so there's a quartet of Weber down-draughts with which to contend. Actually, considering its provenance, you'd probably want to go over everything in there, as well as the brakes and electrical, with a fine tooth comb. You know, like one of those ones your mom used on you that time you got the lice at sleep-away camp?

The body seems straight and shows its miles underneath and to a lesser extent up above. The rubber is probably all drier than a joke by Steven Wright, and in need of replacement or at least re-supplement. Surprisingly, the interior shows only little indication of its age. The carpet isn't exceptionally faded nor do the seats or dash evidence significant wear. All good signs.

What's perhaps not a good sign is the car's present location which is an LA-area junkyard specializing in Porsche parts. The yard has for sale a number of other interesting cars as well so this isn't some sort of freak occurrence. Among those others is a one-of-fifty Stutz IV-Porte limo, this one a fire damaged car supposedly originally built for then Stutz President, James D. O'Donnell.

The Ferrari seems to be the cream of the crop of these cars, and stands out incongruously against the backdrop of stacked Porsche front clips and derelict cars on the well-worn pavement. Someone needs to rescue this poor beast!

Would that someone be you? The asking price here is $67,500, which is cheap by 308GTS terms but pretty pricey for junkyard fare.

What do you think, does that feel right for this mystery Ferrari? Or, is that just too much for what might be a junkyard dog?

You decide!

PorFor Auto Dismantlers out of Los Angeles CA, or go here if the ad disappears.

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