Behold, The Jalopnik/Blipshift T-Shirt Of Your Dreams

We asked you to create a Jalopnik T-shirt that would inspire a generation of car enthusiasts and we were overwhelmed with hundreds of responses. Here's the awesome shirt designed by a Jalopnik reader, made by Blipshift, and soon-to-be purchased by you.

There were so many great designs we ended up going back-and-forth over which shirt we'd work with Blipshift to produce, but the commentariat seemed to enjoy the above design by Harris Lue so much we all decided it would make a perfect choice to launch JalopShift.

I mean, how much better can you do than a vintage RWD wagon throwing up smoke and experiencing the delights of opposite lock?

The T-Shirt will go on sale over on Blipshift next week, which means you now know what to tell everyone to buy you for your high holy holiday of choice. Don't worry, we'll remind you every day next week.

Harris will be taking home the Skip Barber driving lesson, as well as the usual artist fee that Blipshift provides since he also did the art.

A close second place was this ode to the manual transmission by Tot. While the shirt isn't being made — at least not yet — Tot will be taking home an awesome prize as well.

Finally, Arch-Duke's ode to our favorite rally co-driver seemed to tickle many fancies and gets third-place honors.

We've been in touch with Harris, but if Arch-Duke and Tot want to email us at tips at jalopnik dot com that would be greatly appreciated.

