Help Blipshift Create The Next Great Jalopnik T-Shirt, Win Prizes
Not since 2006's 'Save The Enzos' merch has Jalopnik produced a t-shirt for those readers who wish to show off their Jaloplove sartorially, which is why we've partnered with blipshift to produce the ultimate Jalopnik t-shirt. Oh yeah, and you'll have a chance to design it.
Jalopnik is your favorite source for car news. Blipshift is your favorite automotive clothier. Combine them and you get Jalopshift (we thought Bliplopnik was too much of a mouthful). It's as simple as that.
Rather than come up with our own design, we remembered how much of our greatness is due to the greatness of our community and decided to outsource the design to you. The winner will receive eternal fame, the love of all people, and a few key prizes.
How To Enter
We'll be looking for a design that embodies Jalopnik or one of our frequent memes/references. Humor is important, as always, as well as articulating a sense of what it means to be a member of the Jalopnik community.
If you're an artist, submit your design and proposal in the form of a comment below with an image or images (all art must be your own creation). If you're not an artist, but have a great idea, submit it without art and if we like it we'll reach out to an artist to get the shirt drawn up. You have until November 15th at 5:00 PM (EST) to submit your idea or design.
Make sure to check back frequently as we may be reaching out to some of you for more information.
We'll announce the winning design the week of November 18th and the shirt will then go on sale November 25th, just in time to beg your loved ones to get you ten of them for the holidays.
The Prizes
First Prize: Your T-shirt made into a Blipshift design. A one day class at the Skip Barber school courtesy of Blipshift*. Jalopnik sticker. Free T-Shirt.
Second Place: Free T-shirt. HPI-Racing Scion FR-S autographed by Akio Toyoda.
Third Place: Free T-Shirt. Jalopnik Sticker.
*Contest Rules, Et Cetera
In addition to the rules listed above, all Gawker Contest Guidelines apply. Design may be altered, with consultation, to meet size and space requirements.
The winner will receive a Skip Barber 1-Day High Performance Driving Course Gift Certificate with a face value of $1,260. The winner has until Jan 15, 2014 to book a Skip Barber 1-Day High Performance Driving Course on the track/date of their choosing in 2014 in exchange for the face value of the GC. After Jan 15, the Gift Certificate will revert to its face value, applicable against the then-current list price of any SB offering.
If you want to enter any other Blipshift contests or submit designs, do so normally at
Good luck!
Here's logo files for you to work with: