The New Dodge Viper Will Not Debut Next Month

Mania over the new 2013 Dodge Viper has given way to pure insanity, with outlets reporting that the next generation super Mopar's going to appear at a regional press event in Florida next month. Yeah, we don't think that's happening — and you should believe us, because at least two of us here are crazy enough to think even Sports Night's coming back one day. So we'll believe anything if there's a shred of hope it'll happen.

This rumor has its genesis at Top Speed, who seems to have pulled it directly out of their asses. Here's what they say:

Stop the press! We have something very important to report: Dodge has finished the development of the new generation Viper and will have it displayed next month in Miami. The official reveal will be made during a charity event called "Rides and Smiles" at Homestead-Miami Speedway in Homestead, Florida.

Debuting an extremely important car at a an event for a bunch of local automotive journalists who, despite their charitable intentions, have little national reach? Not going to happen.

Dodge PR confirmed to us that, as much fun as that would be, it ain't happening. In a phone call that lasted all of 56 seconds.

I just think some journalists are angling to get a trip to South Florida in the winter and thus are unwilling to pick up a phone to deny the most easily deniable rumor ever.

Shame on other outlets for even reporting it.

