Commenter Of The Day: Along Came Kinky Edition
Yeah, so this is my last Commenter Of The Day for a while. As you may have noticed, I've been doing this since Johnny left and after 1,000 of them I'm going to be taking a break. Now that we've got actual staff, Mike's going to be trying out QOTD, I'll be doing AOTD (still) and Justin will helm COTD. You can suck up to him. This is a great change because Justin's the #1 promoter of comments across the entire Gawker network. He loves you, he really loves you. Now that I have this opportunity, I want to address two misconceptions. First, I do not, as a matter of habit, pull most of my COTD responses from the depths of Wikipedia. It's true. I may consult it. I may get distracted by it. But most of the strangeness comes from the depths of my mind or conversations I have with people. As for my second misconception, you'll have to read this comment in the Revenge of the Electric Car trailer post from Spiegel, who, like Ash, is the person I never mean to give COTDs to anymore but am always entertained by.
Matt: Hey, can I do the stratos review, ray?
Ray: Matthew, who is a credited actor in a future documentary?
Matt: *sigh* you...
Ray: And who do you think is going to do the Lancia Stratos review?
Matt: you...
Ray: Good boy, now go play along with the other plebeians. And next time, bring me four cups of sugar in my coffee!
K, now that we've read that let me explain the second misconception: I am credited in a future/present documentary. The film is called Along Came Kinky and it's about the gubernatorial campaign of entertainer Kinky Friedman. I wasn't on his campaign, but the filmmakers caught me in debate prep for another campaign acting as Kinky Friedman. Frankly, I did a better job than the confused, ill-prepared Kinky and comparing our two performances is one of the humorous points in the film.
Also, as a Texan, I will not be told what to do. I mean, I will be told what to do but I don't rollover that easily. I'll put up a fight, even when I know I'll lose. Just like the Alamo.
Thanks for the comments. Most days you didn't make it completely miserable to pick one and, sometimes, you made it too hard to pick just one. Now go bother Justin.