First-Ever LeMons Datsun 510 Prepares To Race Next Weekend!
So much speculation about the possibility of a Datsun 510 in the 24 Hours Of LeMons over the years, and now it's actually happening!
Some said that even trashed 510s are too expensive, and others protested that LeMons was not worthy of the Bluebird's sacred steel... but next weekend we'll see a genuine 510 take to the track and battle for Nissan pride! Keep in mind that no Nissan product has ever placed higher than fifth in a LeMons race, so plenty will be riding on the somewhat rusty shoulders of the Team WWF '72 Datsun 510. Will it totally dominate? Here's what the team spokesman has to say:
Here are some before photos... The rust is oddly not everywhere... It is however extreme in the places that it does exist... We can actually reach through the center hump and grab the spare tire hold... completely rusted out...
The car was a "hillclimb/solo 2" car in its past life and has some modifications to that effect...
I acquired it in December of 2006 with the intention to strip it of any usable parts... The main reason I took it was the 13x7 (not so easy to find) American Libre Wheels in great condition... with center caps!!!Previous to my picking it up, it sat in the weeds with 4 flats and the belly resting directly on the dirt...It sat for about 12 years according to the person that was "keeping" it for a friend that moved to France...The friend ended up passing away there and the car just lay rotting away for years...
If it wasn't for the Lemons series... The car would have been done for, stripped and the remainder trashed...I think it is cool to be able to bring a one time competitor back to life for one more shot at glory...
With the exception of one of our drivers, we are a group of 50/60 something drivers four of whom competed against each othermore than 20 years ago in the northeastern US. Four of us are still active and two of us raced 510s.
Sponsored by, an "inspirational clothing company" we are "never quitting" and giving it one more shot with a "SayNeverQuit" Datsun 510. We will be doing our best to try to bring some glory to our favorite car... The Datsun 510...