DOTS-O-Rama, Rocky Mountain Edition: 1960 Buick LeSabre Convertible

This is Down On The Street Bonus Edition, where we admire interesting street-parked cars located in places other than the Island That Rust Forgot. We're heading to Longmont, Colorado, where Oldmath found this finned Buick.

Check out the lines on this thing! I think the hardtop is a better-looking car than the convertible, but the fun factor no doubt compensates for this Buick's owners. Here's what Oldmath says:

I was thinking I haven't seen a DOTS Buick LeSabre convertible in, what, two or three days. So here you go, fresh from Longmont Colorado.
I spoke to the wife of the owner of this tasty ice cream ride. She told me it was a 1960 model (I thought '59 which just shows the pitiful state of MY knowledge of 50 year old Detroit iron). It is kept all original – the current episode in PCH is finding a new/old switch for the electric top. I can attest it spends the summer months on the street – gets put away in the cold months for the peace of mind of the driver and the safety of all others. It's a driver too, I see it around town, equalizing the carbon footprint of half the Prius owners down the road in Boulder.

