What's Your Favorite Bit Of Automotive Slang?

They say language is a living thing and it's very much alive in the car community

There are a lot of weird phrases and terms that gearheads use to communicate. It can be hard to decipher sometimes, but it's fun to learn how car (and bike) lovers talk about the machines that bring us joy. Whether that's referring to Toyota Tacomas as "Tacos" or calling single-cylinder bikes "thumpers." There's no end to the weird things we say. What're some of your favorites?

I've gotta go with a bit of slang from a relatively new subculture that I've seen in my hometown on the Texas-Mexico border. Truck loving "Takuaches" down here say, "Si quema, cuh" or "No quema, cuh," to express whether a pickup can do a gnarly burnout. It's essentially the same as saying something can or can't break the tires loose. It's hilarious.

This group of enthusiasts known as "Takuaches" love pickup trucks, but not so much the hulking machines modern trucks have become. The Takuaches — which is slang, too, an intentional misspelling of the Spanish word for opossum — like to drop their single-cab pickups as low as possible, slamming them and outfitting them with cool wheels. They're into trucks that look a lot like the Chevy C-10 in this post. In fact, I'm pretty sure the Takuaches would lose their minds over that C-10. They would look at it and say, "Si quema, cuh."

Especially because this C-10 makes 640 horsepower and can easily break the back tires loose.

But the Takauches in the Rio Grande Valley don't reserve their enthusiasm for older, classic trucks and the aesthetic isn't limited to a certain make or model. They overwhelmingly prefer Chevys but you'd still get some knowing head nods and glances if you rolled up in a Shelby or even a Lightning pickup. If it has a bed, rides low and goes fast, it will fit right in.

I like their slang because it can also be a catchall of approval. Like a fun, car take on "good vibes only." But what about you? What's a phrase or term or you're fond of ? What's your favorite bit of automotive slang?


