These Are Jalopnik's Favorite Weird Car Commercials

Automotive advertising is a big business, and some automakers like to get real weird with it.

Automakers love spending big bucks on uncountable numbers of car advertisements just to show you what they've got to offer. Sometimes, they've got to go the extra mile and get weird with it if they want folks to notice the vehicles they're trying to move.

As you may have realized, we here at Jalopnik love it when shit gets weird, so we decided to put these two ideas together (automotive advertising and weirdness) and take a look at some of our favorite weird car commercials.

I got some help from the rest of the staff as to what their favorites were, mixed in a little bit of Andy Charm(tm), and got this list of the best weird car commercials we've ever seen. It's fairly comprehensive. Unsurprisingly, a lot is from the '80s and '90s when everyone was high on coke and the dot com bubble, but we've got plenty of other stuff too. Why don't ya start clicking?

Finola Hughes And The Plymouth Duster

This ad only aired once during the 1984 MTV Awards, and that's too bad because it's so goddamn sick. This song will be in your head all day, I promise you.

Not In This Weather - Mercedes-Benz

I cannot believe this was banned. I don't see any issue with it whatsoever. You may be a cuck, but at least you've got an E-Class.

Shatner In The Cutlass Supreme

This is so corny. I kinda love it, and I'm not even a "Star Trek" fan. Some nerds must have really enjoyed this, and that makes me happy for them.

Harley Earl Lives

I don't know, man. This feels sort of disrespectful... and creepy. Definitely creepy.

How Did She Get The Name Concorde?

These people own a house... why are they rubbing fronts in the back seat of their full-size sedan? I don't understand at all. Also, who the fuck names their kid Concorde. Disgusting.

Karmann Ghia Does Its Best

Volkswagen's advertising remains undefeated.

Tina Turner, Built For Comfort

I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was both the first and last Plymouth Acclaim Tina Turner ever sat in.

Eddie Murphy Really Likes The Celica

I like Eddie Murphy, but I did not care for the way he rubbed the Celica in this ad. It made me feel icky!

Chevy Chevy Astro Astro

This right here is my favorite car commercial of all time. I've even written about it!

Bless The French

I love the French and their joie de vivre. They are just such a weird bunch of people. No other group of folks on earth would be able to come up with something like this, and that's probably for the best. We don't need an entire world of weirdos. One country is enough.

That’s One Magic Chicken, Mercedes

I wonder how this chicken is doing. If I had to guess, it's doing as well as the Mercedes-Benz of that era.

The Cadillac That Ziggs

The Catera is such an unmitigated piece of shit. Not even Cindy Crawford can save it.

Celine Dion’s LeBaron

Canadians are wild, man. The digital cockpit and CD player are so fucking choice, though.

It’s Cake

I wonder if that ate the Skoda when they were done with it. I hope they did, because this commercial made me very hungry.

An Evil Ka

Take this however you will, but these SportKa commercials, shown on "Top Gear," really informed my sense of humor. They just get me, man. I cannot explain it.

Dishonorable Mention: The God Damn Mother Fucking Hamsters

I fucking hate this commercial with all my heart. In fact, it's made me dislike the Kia Soul just by association. It is a miserable, heinous display that I have had to endure for the past 13 years. Who thought this campaign was a good idea, and who are the idiots who liked it? Ugh, I'm angry now.

