The Goblin WolfSpyder is a kit that transforms a Can Am Spyder reverse trike into a fully-enclosed road-going…
MAROTTI - a vision which has become a reality. This vehicle has been created just to bring delight, to feast your…
Combining a motorcycle v-twin with three wheels certainly isn't the most logical path to a sports car, but you can't…
We've seen Ferrari-badged motorcycles before, but nothing like this Ferrari-branded Suzuki Hayabusa Trike for the…
This Tri-Magnum built around a Kawasaki KZ900 engine and rear suspension (go big green!), a VW Beetle front…
Remember when we asked if flat black was dead? Well, even if you had said no, the recommendation should be ignored…
In the "dare to dream" wing of the NY Auto Show, among the roadsters and air cars, was a pair of three-wheeled…
Much more hard-edged than the Can-Am Spyder, the Lazareth Triazuma combines the performance of a superbike with the…
When it comes to segment blurring, the team at BRP's Can-Am have aimed a shot across the bow of both ultralight…
I think Ralph Nader's infamous title is perhaps more apropos in this situation than in its original context. I first…
So the Can-Am Spyder is a bit of an oddity, and it was pretty much off everyone's radar, but we're on it like crazy…
All we know for sure is that trike's a Volkswagen. We're hoping and praying that the Stig is behind the mask. Or at…
When pics of that unidentified trike — shot during a burn through Tail of the Dragon — hit earlier this year, the…
Everyone's favorite Smoky Mountains motorsports photographer, Killboy, caught shots of an unidentified trike as it…
We've posted on the Kamikaze before, but caught it up close in all its questionable, Hayabusa-powered glory. The…
Those asymmetrically inclined Canadians who build the T-Rex trike are offering their creation to Londoners this…
Ed Roth's more-awesome idea, embraced by many a wild and wooly ruffian without a care for fashion, the motortrike,…
Visitor to the British International Motor show got a chance to see the latest in homemade, absolutely pointless (in…
VW's Malibu-based Moonraker program's first child has been officially euthanized. When it debuted at the LA Auto…
We're not sure of this is necessarily cooler than the Gold Wing tow truck. In the Gold Wing's defense, it does have…