Remember that scene from the Italian Job remake where the Napster (Seth Green) hacks into LA’s traffic control…
The Minnesota Department of Transportation, apparently having solved the problem of bridges that suddenly collapse…
Traffic congestion is caused by more than just construction, cops, bad drivers and lane-drops. Ever notice traffic…
Stop lights and stop signs are normally considered the bane of all car-loving existence. But clearly we need them.…
Paris doesn’t want its old cars! They’re sick of the pollution, sick of the traffic. Eliminating those things are…
The westbound lanes of Highway 290 were shut down near Houston this morning thanks to a crash as well as a naked,…
In Austin, Texas, honor is taken seriously. As any Austintonian can tell you, traditions are strong. Traditions like…
Hell has already broken loose in our nation’s capital with a tiny dusting of snow and (more significantly) ice…
Vidal Valladares Navas of Houston did something unthinkably selfish and moronic to propose to girlfriend Michelle…
In a big city, you’re lucky if you can find a parking spot, let alone a pretty road. It’s not easy, but these ten…
A topless woman was seen walking in the center lane of the Bay Bridge near Treasure Island Wednesday night, slowing…
We all loathe sitting in traffic, but usually there’s no way to get around it. Just be thankful you probably don’t…
Since 2007, there has been a steady decrease in traffic deaths year over year. A new report by The National Safety…
Can you say a cop is ‘undercover’ when they’re holding a sign announcing exactly who they are and what they’re doing?…
Forget hogging the fast lane — this dude got fined for clogging up the middle lane.
New York City introduced a 25 mile per hour speed limit a little while back, in the quest to reduce pedestrian…
Watching a small animal elude grown men is always hilarious. Seeing people run around on an active highway feels... o…
So Paris is rolling out an ambitious plan to ban older cars from its city center. I actually think it's an…
The buried locale formerly known as the "city of Boston" has seen a record 80,000,000 feet of snow this winter, and…
The air quality in Paris is among the worst in Europe. It's so bad that last year the city banned cars one day to…