Have you ever had to settle some sort of dispute or perceived slight by a rapid-fire duel of classic Volkswagen…
You know, sometimes I don’t get a chance to shoot episodes of The Torchinsky Files until pretty late at night, after…
As someone who was alive and at least semiconscious during the 1980s, I vividly remember the strange thrill of…
The Torchinsky Files is back! Well, it’s not really like it ever left, since it’s just me down here in this basement…
One of the few benefits of this miserable pandemic is that, thanks to pervasive video conferencing from people’s…
I’m astoundingly fortunate. I’ve worked hard to get here, but I’m now in a place where my ridiculous automotive obses…
I’m fully aware that I have a basement full of crap, and, yes, to many eyes, my collection of crap really may be…
It’s no secret that there’s a special place in my heart for things that are, well, kinda crappy. I’m a Yugo owner,…
Since most of us are trapped in our homes as viruses bang on our doors with their creepy little protein arms, I…
If you’re like many people, you enjoy the process of living. Metabolizing, converting food and drink into solid and…
In keeping with this series’ overarching theme of giving you the experience of being cornered at a party by some…
You’re back! You came back to my basement! Hot damn, I’m glad you stopped listening to all those people trying to…
My unofficial mission for these videos is to talk about stuff that, normally, I’d be too embarrassed to discuss with…
I think I’ve made it pretty clear that these little shows are going to be painfully geeky, and I assure you that…
When I express my fondness for you, our regular Jalopnik readers, it’s not some contrived bullshit to curry your…