Here's a fine idea, take the tried and true bicycle taxi and update it with such luxurious amenities as a roof,…
Yesterday's Quattro versus Quattroporte Choose Your Eternity poll (in which the Audi emerged victorious over the…
A couple of weeks ago one of us snagged a cab with a very chatty cabbie on the west side of Manhattan to run…
The Crown Victoria has reigned supreme in the cab world for so long that it's hard to imagine a time when other cars…
Veteran San Francisco cabbie Michael Byrne was assigned Taxi Medallion 666 last year, and since then he claims to…
Yep, it's Bethel, Alaska! With 70 taxis serving a population of 5,900, Bethel's 1:84 cab/resident ratio blows away…
Here's an interesting article that breaks down the profit-loss tightrope that New York cabbies must balance to have…
Once again we return to the streets of the Island Of Old Car Survivors, and look at what we've spotted today! Yes,…
Over the past year, we've spent a great deal of time in the fetid vomit-encrusted nastiness that represent the…
New York's Mayor Michael Bloomberg is on a roll, and we don't mean onion. Last month he proposed a plan that would…
A Phyrgian king had bound a chariot yoke/And Alexander cut the Gordian Knot/And legend said that who untied that…
Apparently the drivers of minivan taxis in South Africa tend to be hated and feared by other drivers, so here comes…
Besides Chinese people and hazy air, the most common sight in Shanghai simply has to be Volkswagen Santana taxis.…
New Yorkers' automotive proclivities could fill an entire volume of "What the Hell Is Wrong With Those People…
New York City's got an addiction, and that addiction's name is Victoria. Crown Victoria. For the hundredth…
The New York taxi as we know it has been around for 100 years as of this Wednesday. Some of the Crown Vics in the…
'Round Jalopnik parts, we now and then mention television series like Starsky and Hutch, The Dukes of Hazzard and Kni…
Words escape us more easily than a greased Houdini. Thank you to Dinah Shore's producers. Thank you, Bill Shatner.…