This week it emerged that New York City's Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which runs the city's…
A bridge to the moon or just a train ride that doesn't take forever? The last two centuries were full of fantastic…
I'm speaking from personal experience only, but the New York City Subway can be a pretty terrible place to be. It's…
Of all the places to have a baby, a subway platform is one of the worst. One woman gave birth today on the platform…
Heavy rains absolutely flooded Minsk three days ago. At 2:00 in this video, you see the subway running in the…
Charles T. Harvey finished building the West Side and Yonkers Patent Railway elevated line up Greenwich Street in…
A man went into a subway tunnel to take a piss this morning and surprise! He got hit by a train. The New York Post reports no serious injuries.
A woman in Mexico City delivered her baby on the way to the hospital on Tuesday, while riding the subway. The city's…
According to English Russia, bikes aren't allowed on many Russian subways, but that doesn't stop people. It just…
The subway: it's not just for getting urinated on anymore! Jalopnik readers know that all kinds of strange things…
Here we see a subway busker playing Billie Jean on sax. Suddenly, a challenger approaches! It's a subway sax duel,…
New York City student Santiago Munoz spends five hours a day commuting to and from high school, recognized by the…
We know that Stockholm has the best metro in the world because every line ends with a slutstation. That said, Jalopni…
If you've lived in the Big Apple for any amount of time, you've more than likely taken the Subway. You've also…
Say hallelujah, you entrepreneurial New Yorkers buying unlimited-ride MetroCards and selling subway-entry swipes to…
In its infinite wisdom, the New York City Transit system has decided to stop shutting down the subways for repairs…
New York City's subway transports more than 1 billion passengers along 660 miles of track each year. Still, most of…
Everyone loves people watching, and there aren't many better places to do so than in a New York City subway…
True karaoke fans know the difficulty of pulling off dairy-free renditions of Sinatra classics — which makes this…
It's not every day you see a mentally deranged young man shouting racial slurs strip naked on the 6 train and…