New York Kid With World's Longest Commute Gets New Apartment And Shorter Trip

New York City student Santiago Munoz spends five hours a day commuting to and from high school, recognized by the United Nations as the longest school commute in the world. Now the NY Housing Authority is giving his family a closer apartment, but his commute still takes around three hours.

Earlier this month, the UN recognized 14-year-old Munoz as having world's longest school commute, featuring him in a photo exhibit that also featured a girl in Thailand who rides a rickshaw, a Brazilian boy who rides a donkey, and a girl in Kenya who walks two hours to get to school.

In the broadcast posted above, ABC 7 News reports that Munoz leaves his home in Far Rockaway Queens at 5:50 in the morning to catch one bus, then transfers to a second bus at 6:11. At 6:51 he catches the A-Train. At around 7:30 he switches to the 4 Train and rides that all the way up to the Bronx, where he walks the last few blocks to arrive on time at 8:30. That's how long it takes to go from one side of New York City to the other.

Now the New York Post reports that the NY Housing Authority is offering Munoz's family the new apartment in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, an hour closer to the Bronx High School of Science. The Housing Authority stated that the Munoz family became eligible for a new apartment since their Queens complex was damaged during Hurricane Sandy.

Santiago's commute still will take 90 minutes, but he told the post, "it's a relief. I feel more relaxed now." He plans to use his extra time to take SAT prep classes. This is wholly in line with what he told ABC 7 News earlier this month.

"You have to be willing to sacrifice yourself to get a good future."

