Despite the fact that slowing down is still one of the best ways to save gas, people, us included, continue to enjoy…
Those fancy tea-drinkers from across the pond are all up in arms over a man who was photographed mooning a speed…
First off, are crossing guards in the U.K really called lollipop ladies and men? If it is true, is it because…
From the department of "do what I say, not what I do" comes this awesome story out of Lafayette, Louisiana playing…
After issuing screeds decrying "the owner State which robs its citizens," the Nationalist Revolutionary Army…
Never let it be said that the Germans haven't done their part for literacy. Besides providing the world with the…
A month ago, we brought you the tale of the sorry fate of Craig Moore, a young engineer busted for blowing up a…
You know, we've of course come out vocally against speed cameras, but Francesca Cisneros of Chandler, AZ simply does…
Craig Moore, a 28-year-old engineer got nicked by a Gatso, and having some knowledge of explosive compounds, he…
We've been following the UK's march toward state-controlled motoring with empathetic semi-amusement. With every new…
Nigel McPutt-Putt-Chutneyson is no longer safe from the long arm of Jacques Law. Foreign drivers, under new French…
Britons fed up with their local and state governments' obsession with voyeurism have been taking to the streets and…
We love the Mighty Boy. It might just be the cutest li'l production truckcar ever. And Australian authorities are…
A speed camera in Ferrybridge, Yorkshire has pulled down over a million pounds in fines over eighteen months, and…
A group of five motorcyclists Down Under are giving the police fits, as they buzz past speed cameras, front wheel in…
Red light cameras. Speed cameras. And now...wait for it...yes, sound cameras. Here, children, is the Military…
We posted earlier that cars with wonky suspensions could render speed camera photos unusable in Australia. Reader…
Wanna avoid speed cameras? Officials in Australia have a secret you should know about never, ever change your…
Wot!? Apparently, the Greater Manchester Police (of the UK, natch) has been sending along a free gift with all…
Commenter buzaw0nk noted last month that the nation's first speed cameras had gone up on Arizona's Loop 101 highway…