Australian Sportbike Hoons Giving Po-Po Worry, Speed Cameras The Bird

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A group of five motorcyclists Down Under are giving the police fits, as they buzz past speed cameras, front wheel in the air, middle fingers flying, often while carrying passengers. Currently, the cameras only shoot the front license plate, but due to acts of hoonage like this, that's about to change, making the bikers culpable for their speed and recklessness.

"There's always someone out there who's got to show off. Let's educate them about the danger, not just whack fines on people and seize bikes," says Motorcycle Industry Association spokesguy Craig Marsland says. But Craig, does a hoon truly know he's a hoon? In this case, we think so. [Thanks to Don for the tip.]

Motorbike morons: Number's up for hoons like these [Sunday Times, Australia]

Hoon of the Day: Boxy, But Fast as Hell [Internal]