Autonomy is constantly presented as the future of the automotive industry. Having cars that can truly be termed…
During the big all-analog, all-human version of Mattel Football that was played yesterday to a mixed crowd of people…
It’s happening too often. Someone spots a Tesla owner sleeping while motoring down the freeway, their car under the…
Amazon’s working conditions are notoriously horrible, but the company thinks its drivers are the problem. All that…
I’m a big proponent of the Vision-S , Sony’s running prototype shown at last year’s Consumer Electronics Show to…
Ford said Thursday that by the end of next year it will offer a “hands-free” driving mode on some of its cars,…
Last August, attorneys for Anthony Levandowski, who left Google to found his own company, ended up as an engineer at…
Insurance companies, which base their entire profit systems on accidents and collisions, could see these systems…
Good morning! Welcome to The Morning Shift, your roundup of the auto news you crave, all in one place every weekday…
Uber has concluded the likely reason why one of its self-driving cars fatally struck a pedestrian earlier this year, …
Everyone these days, from Tesla to Cadillac to Nissan to BMW to Infiniti, has some kind of semiautonomous system…
Just a week after the deadly Uber crash in Arizona, a self-driving car in San Francisco was ticketed for being too…
An autonomous Uber prototype killed a pedestrian in Arizona, and a recently released video shows its minder being…
Back in December, as Uber transferred its controversial self-driving pilot program from California to Arizona, a…
Don't recoil; think it through, as best you can, and I think you'll find I'm on to something
Ford, in a hasty reaction to some questionable advice given by Carrie Underwood in that song you jokingly sing when…
Apple is seriously rethinking its self-driving car plans and is laying off “dozens of employees,” according to a…
A Mercedes print ad that is featured in multiple magazines advertising a “self-driving car from a very self-driven…
Joshua D. Brown was killed when his Tesla Model S crashed into the side of a tractor trailer on May 7th, leading to…
Google has been successfully testing their fully-autonomous cars for a while, and now they’re ready to give them a…