President Donald Trump has been extremely adamant that former FBI director James Comey told him on three occasions…
In the world of U.S. diplomacy, back channels of communication between governments exist for various reasons. But…
Virginia Senator Mark Warner said today that Russian military intelligence attacks against the 2016 U.S. election…
The Belaz 75710 is, put simply, one big fat freaking dump truck. You could fit a decent Brooklyn apartment inside a…
The Russian Tu-95/-142 Bear has been showing up in a lot of places it maybe shouldn’t be over the past month, as the…
President Donald Trump did a very dumb thing last week when he divulged top-secret information during his meeting…
President Donald Trump shared classified information concerning the Islamic State with the Russian foreign minister…
Former acting Attorney General Sally Yates started off her testimony by saying ex-National Security Advisor Michael…
Russia has made a lot of noise about the modern weapons it has used during combat in Syria and how effective these…
You’ve all seen Dr. Strangelove, which means I’m pretty sure you understand the general idea behind a doomsday…
Wanna hear a joke? A former Russian mayor wanted to show off his new Ferrari, so he drove it into a mall and did a…
The USS Porter, one of two U.S. Navy destroyers involved in Thursday’s missile strike on the Syrian airbase where a…
This is something you don’t see every day: a Russian man filling the front seat of a car with concrete while being…
The U.S. Navy has launched 59 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles at a Syrian military airfield Thursday night, in…
The United States military has launched over 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Syria, according to multiple reports.…
Elon Musk’s SpaceX pulled off quite a feat this week in launching a reused rocket into space, but folks in Moscow…
In a move that will surely make the volatile Black Sea region even more interesting, NATO will begin basing fighter…
The sanctions were supposed to have been lifted. The two nations were supposed to take on ISIS in Syria together.…
The troubles of Russia’s only aircraft carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, are well-documented. The ship is a relic of…