No less than 15 Russian An-124 Condor cargo flights have landed in Syria in recent days. This is in addition to a…
There has been a sudden wave of speculation and fragmented reporting on the possibility that Russia is becoming a…
This video shows what it looks like to intercept a Russian IL-20M electronic intelligence collection aircraft, high…
Russia’s fledgling Sukhoi T-50 fighter, also known as the PAK-FA, continues to waddle through development even…
A Byzantine shipwreck from roughly 1,000 years ago was discovered on the floor of the Black Sea in May, which was…
Tanks! They’re big, mean, ugly, and loud, and their crews are highly competitive. Russia is hosting the World…
The Daily Beast reports that a series of classified war gaming exercises ran by the Defense Department have clearly…
Also, maybe, “not drinking.” But at the end of the day, after watching this video, my only true response is simply…
Further proof that Russia is actually just a 1980s action comedy brought to life, here are two members of their…
What, you think some fully sikkk drifts y0 were limited to guys in Nissans? Aw hell no. Check out some sweet dorifto…
An Mi-28N “Havoc” attack helicopter from Russia’s Golden Eagles aerobatic display team lost control during one of…
This amazing photo shows fighting machines that were built as enemies, the B-52 Stratofortress and the Tu-95 Bear,…
An American missile exploded just after launch from the USS The Sullivans last week, simultaneously making you feel…
Russia may be coming to the realization that developing a high-tech weapon system is not the same as fielding it en…
It looks like a heavily armored (possibly production) variant of Zil’s wild armored car may have made it into…
If you’ve got a nice, fancy Mercedes-Benz SUV, you’ve got to save two parking spots for it. I mean, you just HAVE…
You know you’ve got good traction when your tires start ripping up the road itself.
The USS Vicksburg, many of the ships seen here, and an expanded flotilla of allied ships from the region took part…
You’d be forgiven for thinking that a military theme park, complete with tanks to crawl all over, dummy…