Elon Musk and Richard Branson are already kinda-sorta competing in the private space race, but for delusional…
With plans of taking rich tourists to the final frontier put on hold by a tragic crash, British businessman Sir…
Before you experience weightlessness on Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo, you'll be hanging on the belly of…
That Virgin Galactic spaceship isn't just parked next to the new Land Rover Discovery Concept on the deck of the…
It looks like Elon Musk has just picked up a new ally in his fight against car dealer-backed legislation to sell his…
Richard Branson, creator of the Virgin conglomerate which owns all of your airplanes and music-makers, lost a bet…
With NASA mothballing shuttles, and the Soviets auctioning seats on Soyuz capsules for millions of rubles, how are…
Lotus F1 boss Tony Fernandes said Monday he'll auction off seats on an AirAsia flight where Virgin boss Richard…
Later today, flamboyant British multi-millionaire Richard Branson will commemorate the completion of the main runway…
Set to be officially unveiled tonight, here's the first images of Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo attached to its…
Anyone know why the General's doing a press conference in NYC right now with Virgin Atlantic's Richard Branson?…
For every successful thing Richard Branson's done (releasing Never Mind the Bollocks... and launching Virgin…