Consumer Reports rode along with Syracuse police during a crackdown against cellphone-holding drivers. One contended…
High-level bungling and a lack of proper funding has left the nation's capital without a functioning breath test…
Cincinnati residents who enjoy a higher view of the road thanks to oversized wheels are having their vehicles…
A rural Oregon sheriff's deputy had some explaining to do after his 2010 Dodge Charger cruiser with less than 6,000…
Who knew doing a "burnout" (term used very loosely) after being pulled over was a bad idea? Next time you are…
It's the act-two follow-up to that Turkish guy who saved a town from a fireball. A police chase in Cedar Rapids,…
Check out this dramatic video of a man darting in and out of traffic in Pontiac, MI and then getting tasered by…
Just when you were worried a police officer with SCMODS was going to notice your 36 unpaid parking tickets, this…
Only about 4% of drivers decide to commit evasive actions when they see a police car turn up near them, and 13% slow…
This video of an officer crushed by an 18-wheeler serves as a reminder that our brave officers are sometimes guilty…
This video's dangerous, because it convinces people the best way to avoid arrest is to act like a moron. Cop trying…
In the recent rash of wrong-way drivers hurtling down American freeways, we haven't seen much police involvement. A…
Police in southern Wisconsin have reopened a 28-year-old unsolved murder, hoping a fresh look at the evidence could…
After a Frankfort, Ky., police officer pulled over a black Chevy pickup on suspicion of driving while intoxicated…
America's most in-demand police vehicle is a ten-officer 16,000-pound armored tank that takes bullets like…
This now-suspended cop in Karachi, Pakistan happened upon a TV crew covering a protest and talked them into…
The London Metropolitan Police had just 35 minutes to get a donor liver 29 miles across central London. Here's the…
Tourists and residents of Big Coppitt Keys, Fla., had their early Sunday morning activities interrupted by a naked…
Dave Dennison, a Tampa, FL police pilot was suspended for 5 days without pay after an investigation discovered he…
67-year-old Lorraine P. Levine of Arlington, Texas attempted to mow down a police officer directing traffic at the…