We mean, they did shut down a Fortune 500 company for two-and-a-half days so I'd probably have to say at the…
Well, folks — it looks like the usual guy who writes this on strike again today too, so it's up to me to talk about…
It turns out the folks who normally do this post for me while I'm getting primped and my hair put in curlers when…
We didn't have time to run an official drinking game last night, but our senior editor from Detroit was on CNBC…
We've got to admit Wert looks much more poised than we thought he'd look after his encounter with the exploding…
Our senior editor from Detroit's been called into service yet again to have a pundigasm on air on CNBC's On The…
Wert had his chance to spend some time on national tee-vee (so what if it's basic cable — national is still…
Our intrepid senior editor from Detroit's been called into service to talk robots in disguise tonight at around…
Well, it looks like our senior editor from the D is taking is show to the boob tube this evening where he'll be…
I don't want to spend too much time being self-referential, but here's what I should have said last night instead of…
Wert was On The Money last night, arguing whether union negotiations can "Save Detroit" with "Hey" Micki Maynard,…
Well kids — it's once again time to don the thinking caps before the drinking caps. Our senior editor from the…
Some say he could probably be temporarily dubbed the Gawker Media "Transformers Editor," others say he's a fan-boy…
That's right, Wert stopped by some affiliate station in the city of Toledo on his way down to cover the Dreamy…
The only question we've got for Wert is: Fake bake much there? The only question we've got for you is: How many…
With word today the Chrysler Group would no longer continue to be the 'merican side of the German-American hybrid,…
The message the General's giving on their earnings is that the NorAm operational net losses were only $46 million,…
Immediately after coming off the air last night we got the low-down from Wert on his first in-studio on-air antics…
Wert was totally adorable last night while busting out some hard core facial expressions "On The Money" last night…
So Wert's in the city that's large, red and delicious, and he's just told us he'll be on the usual station…