Our friend Spence did a great post on the lost cars of his Mt. Washington neighborhood over at Leftcoastbreakdown, a…
"Looking for a set of wheels that can surpass 250 mph? The 2006 Bugatti Veyron, being shown in North America for the…
Propellerhead design guy Chris Bangle's earned his fair share of grief over BMW's most recent aesthetic direction.…
While our favorite in the Los Angeles Auto Show's Design Challenge, the Hyundai Gator didn't take the prize, we can…
The trek up from Pedro to the Convention Center took a tad longer than we expected this morning, and missed arriving…
Mazda pulled a fast one and unveiled the CX-7 crossover at LA, after announcing the car was slotted for Detwa. We…
You can turn it into a wheelstander. A four-door funny car. Jump it into a swimming pool. Drive it off a cliff in a…
Galpin Motors, a Southern California institution that began with a small Ford dealership in the San Fernando Valley,…
We stumbled across The Green Car Journal's "Green Car of the Year" awards ceremony by happenstance and were pretty…
Yesterday, we ran into Dan Neil at the LA Auto Show and stopped and chatted a bit. He seemed pleased to meet us, and…
DGJ here. Stepping away from the editorial "we" for a second, here's an admission other that for a select few cars…
We once worked for a guy who was about as clueless about trade-show booths as they come, always trying to save a…
Okay, people, for the last time, we are not Jay Leno. We do not know Jay Leno. We have been in the same group of…
Spurred by the revelation of VW's GX3 at the Los Angeles Auto Show earlier today, reader Mark writes in to point out…
Yokohama had their name plastered all over the LA Auto Show, and one of cooler display cars there was a Formula EV,…
BMW had reams of news of their own wonderfulness laid forth with peculiar pronunciation by Tom Purvis, the UK-born…
This was the last Los Angeles Auto show scheduled right on Detwa's toes. Later this year, the show will happen…
Put a bunch of V-Dubya types together in Malibu and whaddaya get? 1,267 lbs that'll outcorner a 'Vette. The result…
.4 seconds faster to 60! Two more mph! The numbers are 4.8 and 167, and the vehicle in question is the new Porsche…
There was lots of hubub about the Yaris four-door that Toyota announced for the US market. Rapidly turning Japanese,…