The other day, Bumbeck said to us, "Man, I may as well just go back to smoking," in reference to the air quality in…
ThnderBlt's comment on this post got us thinking about what's alternately known as the Harbor Freeway and the…
Some say, the penchant teenage girls have for him is only outweighed by his skill on the track, and that prolonged…
We have no idea why a discontinued (but soon to be revived) Smart Roadster was spotted in Fountain Valley of all…
We grew up in Sacramento, a town which didn't care about aping its classy, PC neighbor to the southwest. Screw SF,…
Bumbeck came down from the hills in the Mighty Starlet to catch a showing of Cars today (which totally brought out…
1.7 million bucks and the damn thing won't even make it ten blocks. Such is the rarefied world of supercars. But…
A few months ago, we rocked a set of photos of the random vehicles we found down by the marina. Now, here's a random…
Freakin' 'Bama, man. It played a completely nonexistent role in our life until we stumbled across Brother vs. Brother
Our drag-racing historian pal Cole Coonce — whose ghost we we we hung out with up in Eagle Rock last night, shooting…
The mayor of our fair city of Los Angeles has earmarked a million bucks to test the Tiger Team. Tiger, which is a…
To paraphrase erstwhile arena-rock band Journey, "still they write." They write (at least CNN does) because…
LA-based blogger, journalist and designer Mack Reed (known to his G's as McRib) has decided to immortalize the…
The prodigal West Coast blogger has returned after a week of Ann Arbor-outsourcing his posts to the the highly…
Reader Matt kicked down a link to the previous Bootcar, which he believes is based on a Honda 600. It's also miles…
Yesterday, rolling down Santa Monica with the inimitable Jonny Loverman — who due to Bay Area scene incest we may or…
A reader, who we will protect from the worst Mafia ever by not naming, sent us this e-mail. We're goofy-happy. Suck…
You know, we meet people from the South or the Midwest, and they're all like, "Man, you're crazy to live out there…
We've been listening to the Dicks all day, so it only makes sense that we'd finish off today's Jalopnikin' with a…
[Opens coat to show JDM Nissan keys.] Psst. Hey, Bunky. Want a Skyline? The folks in the Department of the Treasury…