John Z. DeLorean is perhaps one of the most colorful people in the automotive landscape. He’s inspired countless arti…
Gloriously wedge-shaped and with a starring role in Back to the Future, the DMC-12 is one of the most iconic cars…
While the DeLorean Motor Company made one of the most beautiful cars of all time, with its DMC-12, the company…
John DeLorean had many great ideas for keeping his (soon to become troubled) company even before the first…
Stainless steel finish. Volvo engine. Backbone chassis. Gullwing doors. Alleged money laundering. Manufacturing in…
With all of the myth that surrounds the Delorean DMC-12—from its ability to travel through time to its founder's…
Now before you all die from brain bubbles because one of the Greatest Symbols Of The American Way Of Life is…
Sometimes cars are beyond repair, and with a French-designed V6 , those times were sudden and often for the Delorean…
We've just found there's not one, but three different biopics in the works on the life of eccentric auto-mogul and…
When this monstrous volume showed up at Chez Murilee- and this is one freakin' huge slab-o-musclecar-porn,…
When GM product Czar Bob Lutz called GM CEO Rick Wagoner the "best CEO I've ever worked for" we did a double-take.…
Byron Cancelmo of the DeLorean Motor City car club showed off the first arrivals of about 12 expected Belfast-born…
Back when John Z. De Lorean was coming up with cars like the GTO for the Pontiac Division, he also had this crazy…
John "Coach" Z. De Lorean was nothing if not a flamboyant man in an age where the gray-flannel-clad company man was…