This is wrong on so many levels. This photo was taken at the speedway yesterday, but we also saw three other…
Here's a bit of Indy to keep y'all settled until we get an opportunity to get over to the track this morning. It…
This is the part where Ray went crazy. And we don't mean the crazy like the crap we pulled earlier in the day. You…
One of the big events on Indy Weekend is the IPL 500 Festival Parade, and yeah, we were there. Actually we…
We are live from the Speedway! Ray is focused, and my hangover hasn't kicked in yet so the day is going swimmingly.…
Wert and Austin are coming to ya live and correct from the capital of all things Hoosier — Indianapolis. We've…
Austin and I have our bags packed full of pork rinds, coors light and our good friend Jack — well, that's a lie —…
Have we got a treat for you. We're sending Mike Austin, of Davey-coverin' fame — and our very own Ray Wert on a…