We told you guys not to hack electronic road signs to say "Jalopnik Rules." But you went ahead and did it anyway.…
Since we first showed you the "How To Hack An Electronic Road Sign" guide, the proliferation of hacked signs has…
Despite repeatedly asking for you to stop hacking electronic road signs, zombie hackers are now causing "daily lane…
The rash of electronic traffic sign hacking continues despite our pleas to knock it off. Now, hackers in Indiana are…
Austin, TX appears to be ground zero for the electronic traffic signs hacking threat, as the "top story" on last…
Transportation officials in Texas are "scrambling" to stop the "hacking electronic traffic signs" threat. Didn't we…
With cold weather blanketing much of the country, here's ten easy steps you can take to make sure your car doesn't…
Evacuating from a hurricane involves more than just getting into your car and driving away from the coast. Of the…
Our new favorite website, Howcast, takes on a how-to every parent dreads and every teenager delights in — how to…
So we noticed at SEMA this year that carbon fiber has become the new matte black. And if you remember, as we…
With wintry weather a real possibility for those traveling tomorrow, we thought we'd share some safe winter driving…
[This guide was put together by valet parking expert/Jalopnik commentator M0L0TOV for your edification - ed. note]…
At one point we were switching between driving a gas-powered Taurus and an older diesel Mercedes sedan, which…
Back when the dot-com boom fell apart and I got laid off from my cushy software tech-writing gig (at a company that…
We've all heard the argument of the do-it-yourselfer. Doing the job on your own can bring a sense of satisfaction…
Back in the days of carbureted and plentiful used Plymouth Satellites, B-52's frontman Fred sang of the devil in his…
Along with swapping out the air filter and changing the oil, replacing the spark plugs is one of the few things left…
With the weekend nearly here, it's time to pop open the hood and take a trip down the trail of parts. Those battery…
The automobile contains a number of fluids that should all stay where they're supposed to be. Oil spots, coolant…
In our explorations into parts and parts replacement, we often mention the service manual. While there are certainly…