Even though you think gas costs a fortune—because it does—gas stations make little, if any, profit of fuel sales.…
Whiskey's for drinkin' and water's for fightin' over. As it turns out, gasoline's also for drinking, according to…
A record-breaking cold snap has left the remote town of Nome, Alaska, dangerously low on fuel. But the Russian…
The basic principles of automobile internal combustion engines have remained the same for decades. Even today this…
Juliana Bryant, a mother of three from Florala, Alabama, was arrested for reckless endangerment after police…
Reducing U.S. dependence on foreign oil is a topic that's become its own catchphrase. This useful chart shows the…
A 14-year-old Chinese boy has been admitted to the hospital with "gasoline dependance" after five years of downing…
Remember the uber-secret Ford "Bobcat" dual-fuel engine — the one that squirts a shot of E85 directly into the…
Back when Super 8 movie cameras often fell into the hands of 10-year-olds- say, 1965 to 1985- the stop-motion…
Talk fuel efficiency and words like "direct injection," "flex-fuel" and "variable compression ratio" are common. But…
Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama delivered an energy policy speech in Lansing, MI yesterday, a key…
It turns out that a majority of Americans surveyed in a recent J.D. Power & Associates study are very enthusiastic…
Today brought us news of a purported new solution to high gas prices: SwiftFuel. Currently intended as a replacement…
Mike Jackson, Chairman and CEO of AutoNation (and thus America's number one car salesman), finally breaks taboo and…
We've tried taking over a major oil-producing country. We've tried making fuel out of food crops. We've even tried ma…
Think the prices at your local pump are high? If you aren't in California, don't feel so bad. Sure, you may be…
So all is not lost with the rust-plagued Tulsa Time Capsule Belvedere! Turns out the gasoline samples in the trunk…
Back in the early 20th century, US regulators decreed that the official definition of a gallon of gasoline was 231…