First of all, apologies for the crappy quality of the image above; we scoured the internet for literally dozens of…
So who's actually driving the vehicle, legally speaking, when one guy's at the wheel and another is operating the…
Bill Murray was up to his old "Caddyshack" hijinks again while spending some time in Sweden at a charity golf…
Glad to hear that whole rehab thing was working so well for her. Apparently, according to the Associated Press:
Things were going pretty good at the Lawn Guyland house party, but then a very schnockered Jesenia Vega decided to…
We've all heard about various services that let folks who've swilled a few too many Everclear-and-Hawaiian-Punch…
An intoxicated driver, apparently coked to the gills, attempted to elude capture by the po-pos in England by driving…
From a purely technical standpoint, we've got to give this Australian don't-do-dope-and-drive ad a thumbs-up for…
At first, the CHP figured they were dealing with just your everyday average kind of drunk-in-Passat driving on the…
As you can see from the TMZ video above, Paris surrendered herself to the authorities out in Cali last night to…
For real — who didn't see this coming? Apparently getting busted for a DUI after busting up your black Mercedes SL…
So you and your buddies in Naperville, Illinois, drive the Chrysler over to the nearest watering hole on Dollar Sidec…
The always fun at parties Eve was arrested for suspicion of a DUI after she crashed her gold Maserati on Hollywood…
Talk about the award you don't want to win! Ex-cop Deana F. Jarrett of Woodinville eliminated all contenders for the…
Ever wonder why most major highway tunnels prohibit tanker vehicles containing flammable liquids (except, in some…
A judge in New Jersey has ruled that a man busted for operating an indoor-ice-rink Zamboni with a blood alcohol…
I can only guess what issues Wes Anderson has with his father, but I'm fairly sure the senior Anderson has nothing…
We're just overwhelmed by the drunk-driving stories today, folks. Now it's time for multi-World-Series-winning…