Corbet's Couloir of Jackson Hole, Wyoming has been called "America's scariest ski slope," because it's a lot steeper…
Unlike literally all other things on the Internet, this appears to be real: one guy in Medellín has taught his dog…
February 20 was "National Love Your Pet Day," and Land Rover's venerable PR machine swooped in to get some airtime…
Hey, no one ever said Detroit was known for its math skills. A few months after Bloomberg frightened the world with t…
Here's Lewis Hamilton's adorable dog Roscoe bowling. You're welcome. (H/T!)
This is only car-related in the sense that a car did this to this stray dog, and, as lovers of both cars and dogs,…
Air Canada lost a dog the other day, which is super shitty. There is still no word on if the dog has been found. And…
Suburu spent some money on researching the the effectiveness of pet harnesses on the US market today. They came to…
When choosing a car, you have to take into consideration who might be inside with you as a passenger. If your…
Ever since that Bloomberg story about there being 50,000 dogs (dubious) in Detroit, it's like all of a sudden…
That Bloomberg piece you've been sharing all over the Internet about 50,000 wild dogs roaming the oh-so-bankrupt (we…
Your dog can roll over, but what is he going to do when your WRX rolls over? That probably wouldn't end too well for…
Three weeks ago, I brought my new puppy home. Wiley was eight weeks old and seriously did not like riding in the…
Trying to prove that dogs are smarter than cats is no longer as simple as having ol' Fido rescue a baby from a…
Nobody's that crazy about riding in a Camry, but I'm pretty sure no one's had a worse ride than the dog that spent…
You'd think paying an additional $1800 to an airline to transport your pets would suggest that part of the agreement…
Dogs may be man's best friend, but they can also cause some pretty substantial issues for the common motorist.
I spent this past Saturday night burying a dog. Well, 3 am Sunday morning, but still. The dog was this charmingly…
This is what happens when a guard dog goes nuts and tries to eat through a car. Yes, those are bite marks.
It's National Pet Day on Wednesday, and to celebrate, let's take a look back at how the death of the running board…