There seem to be two types of cab drivers in New York City: Ones that will break any and every law to get you…
Okay, here's a Russian dash cam video that will probably blow your mind and make you seethe with rage at the…
As Matt Farah showed us the other day, riding on the back of a motorcycle is terrifying. You aren't in control at…
The best mother in all of mother Russia threw her Back To The Future-obsessed son a Delorean themed birthday party.
Generally, we think of dashcam footage is a relatively recent phenomenon. Recent and overwhelmingly Russian. But…
Earlier today, we reported on the airliner that crashed into a highway while attempting to land at a Moscow…
Illegally parked asshats are the bane of humanity. Well, maybe they aren't but these Russians seemed to think so,…
We haven't seen anything crazy out of Russia over the last few days and we were getting very concerned that the…
In January, we started a search for the most unbelievable saves in the car world. Near-misses, near-spins, and…
With narrow tires, small brakes, loose chassis, and no ABS, old cars aren't the safest things in an emergency…
Plenty of people weave in an out of traffic like assholes. Some make it, some don't. Worst case scenario, a whole…
When faced with an impending head on collision with a huge runaway truck, there are only a few options. One of the…
The cultural war between those who want to bike on public roads and those who think public roads are for cars only…
We're prepared to crown the driver of this VIP/hellaflush/slammed Lexus "King of the Asshats." Not only does the…
Yet again, the former Soviet East has produced the luckiest driver in the world. You won't believe he walks away…
You never know when someone might randomly pull a pistol out of his man bag and start shooting at someone who's…
The roads of Russia appear to be a total anarchist state. Lanes are a suggestion. Safe following distances are…
Here we see an ATV rider pull a wheelie, only to have his ATV escape from under him. Watch as the rider has to…
Here we see a car spin on the highway and miss hitting three vehicles, one of which is a semi truck. That's what…