More than $600 million has been requested for Cash For Clunkers vouchers. But where's it being requested from?…
We were the first with a list of the ten most traded-in clunkers. Now here's the updated list of the most traded-in…
The Cash For Clunkers program's clearly moved vehicles off the lot. With the Senate considering an additional two…
Here's the official, exclusive list of the ten most purchased and traded-in vehicles under the Cash For Clunkers…
The Cash For Clunkers law requires dealers to destroy the engines of the trade-in vehicle or face a $15,000 penalty.…
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Cash For Clunkers program is still…
Last night, Administration officials claimed the Cash For Clunkers program was suspended because of popularity. The…
The US government will suspend the popular cash for clunkers program after almost four days, telling Congress…
One of the most questionable practices related to the Cash For Clunkers program has been nefarious types creating…
Like a compressed spring finally releasing its potential energy, Cash For Clunkers has quickly encouraged 22,782…
Edmunds, the greatest American heroes since Nelly Bly, have saved the world from Cash For Clunkers problems by…
Early reports suggest the Cash For Clunkers program is creating some new cars sales, but it's also creating…
Jalopnik brings you this exclusive first full list of the disqualified cash for clunkers vehicles. Below, the cars…
Earlier this month we brought you a list of five ways to get screwed the Cash For Clunkers bill. A lot has happened…
With the Cash For Clunkers trade-in program in full swing, we think it's time to take the pulse of the state of our…
Consumers hoping to trade in their old "clunkers" for new vehicles through the Cash for Clunkers (or CARS) program…
According to Google Trends, variations of the term "Cash For Clunkers" have been among the hottest searches this…
The Cash for Clunkers bill, a.k.a. the CARS program, is now active. If you're interested in trading up they've…
The Cash For Clunkers bill's now law and, though we've show you how it works, there's still a serious risk you'll…
It's official, the Cash For Clunkers bill is now the law-of-the-land. For more information on how this bill works…